Are you ready for GDPR?
- Posted by 1st-IT Team
- On 16th March 2017
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation which will be going ahead in May 2018. The GDPR has been developed to protect individual’s personal information of European citizens. Instead of this only taking place in the UK and in European countries this will launch in every country around the globe.
GDPR applies to businesses that keep and maintain personal information of European citizens, marketers in particular will have to pay more attention to the policies and procedures as the GDPR is setting out very specific regulations with content. Companies will be able to collect data information from customers such as IP addresses, locations and devices.
Why was the GDPR created?
The GDPR was made for one of the main reasons which is for the EU to give people more control over how their personal data is being used. The current legalisation was approved before the internet and cloud technologies created new ways of exploiting data and the GDPR wants to help change that.
Companies will have to make sure that they have a protocol if there is a data breach as this is very important to make sure information is kept private. The company also has to make sure people’s data that they are keeping is protected safely by the company. This requires controllers to create security measures which will avoid data loss, alteration or unauthorised processing. An example of a controller could be any organisation from a charity to a government organisation, a processor also exists which could be a IT firm doing all the data processing.
Whilst making data more protected with GDPR the EU also will be trying to improve trust in the digital economy once the legalisation in is place.